Security & Privacy

Security and privacy research at MPI-SWS focuses on foundational and practical aspects of security, trust, privacy and accountability in computer systems. Recent research in the group has focused on Web browser security, privacy-preserving Web analytics and advertising systems, trustworthy storage, anonymity networks, formal analysis of security properties, privacy-preserving mobile applications, privacy and trust in online social networks and accountability in distributed systems.


Francis' group releases SynDiffix, the world's most accurate synthetic data generator

December 2023
Paul Francis's Open Diffix project has released SynDiffix, an open-source Python package that generates statistically accurate, privacy preserving synthetic data from structured data.

Two faculty win prestigious Google Research Scholar awards

June 2022
Two MPI-SWS faculty, Maria Christakis and Elissa Redmiles, have earned highly competitive Google Research Scholar awards.

MPI-SWS releases the first data anonymization tool as part of the Open Diffix project.

March 2022
The Open Diffix project releases "Diffix for Desktop", the world's simplest strong data anonymization tool.

MPI-SWS research on COVID19 apps covered by the Linux Public Health Foundation

September 2021
Elissa Redmiles and collaborators have investigated how to most effectively and ethically advertise COVID19 contact tracing apps.

MPI-SWS research featured in Rolling Stone, El Pais, and NetzPolitik

August 2021
Elissa Redmiles' research on the shift toward digital sex work and digital discrimination against European sex workers has been featured in Rolling Stone, El Paias, and NetzPolitik.
